25 April 2009

Bordering on Sick

Yoo hoo, Government? Anybody home? Administration? Congress? Anybody listening?

Do any of you remember your oaths? That pesky little thing about upholding and defending the Constitution? Don't worry, I won't ask you anything complicated, like asking about Article IV Section 3. I know you might not have read that far.

No, I just want to ask about the first one sentence, the Preamble. Do you recall that little bit about providing for the common defense, promoting the general welfare?

Tonight, there's a lot of news about an outbreak of swine flu south of the border. It seems a bunch of people are dead.

With a disease outbreak next door, the sensible thing would be to control the border, limiting the outbreak here.

But, oops, you've failed to put in mechanisms to control the southern border. Right now the border is as secure as Brittany Spears chastity belt. Some of you have actually encouraged violations of our border.

If this disease spreads north, some of our citizens, those pesky "party of the second part" to our Constitution, can die.

I just have a couple of simple questions.

If our people are sickened and even die, how would you rate your common defense/general welfare part of your oath? Think you're doing OK?

If you haven't done too well with that oath thingy, would resignation be in order?

(I personally favor a bit more multicultural solution: a new TV show. "Liar's Survivor" Elected officials face either return to office or Japanese Hari Kari. A call in vote show, $100/per vote. All money goes to retiring the national debt. If more vote for the Japanese solution, well, we'd just call a special election. This would do wonders for the networks flagging ratings.)

Since the disease effects would be better controlled if we could secure the border, and you refused to do it, wouldn't any increased effects be caused by man? And if you are the cause of this man caused disaster, does that make you extremists or terrorists? Should Napolitano and DHS mount a "domestic contingency operation"against you?

I guess this is just a slightly different way that that those in DC can make us just sick.

PS. I know some will say that the Obama Administration has only been in a few months. True. I hold the Bush Administration just as responsible. But Bush is gone, and Obama has the job. And Congress, well most of them have been there since Fulton invented the steamboat.

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